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Graduate Course Proposal Form Submission Detail - MAN6167
Tracking Number - 5251

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Current Status: SCNS Liaison Notified of Graduate Council Approval - 2016-03-29
Campus: St Petersburg
Submission Type: New
Course Change Information (for course changes only):
Comments: USFSP approved. TO USF Sys 3/21/16. To SCNS 3/29/16. Developing Leadership Skills was withdrawn from SCNS on 2/27/2018.

Detail Information

  1. Date & Time Submitted: 2015-08-11
  2. Department: Management
  3. College: BP
  4. Budget Account Number: 140100
  5. Contact Person: James Fellows
  6. Phone: 34587
  7. Email:
  8. Prefix: MAN
  9. Number: 6167
  10. Full Title: Developing Leadership Skills
  11. Credit Hours: 3
  12. Section Type: C - Class Lecture (Primarily)
  13. Is the course title variable?: N
  14. Is a permit required for registration?: Y
  15. Are the credit hours variable?: N
  16. Is this course repeatable?: N
  17. If repeatable, how many times?: 0
  18. Abbreviated Title (30 characters maximum): Developing Leadership Skills
  19. Course Online?: C - Face-to-face (0% online)
  20. Percentage Online: 0
  21. Grading Option: R - Regular
  22. Prerequisites: MAN 3025 or MAN 5002
  23. Corequisites:
  24. Course Description: A course on effective management skills and their impact on individual, team, and organizational performance. Interpersonal and group skills leadership such as delegating, coaching, conflict resolution, and building effective teams are emphasized.

  25. Please briefly explain why it is necessary and/or desirable to add this course: Replacing Selected Topics with Permanent number; already listed in program
  26. What is the need or demand for this course? (Indicate if this course is part of a required sequence in the major.) What other programs would this course service? Effective managers must learn personal, interpersonal and group skills of management/leadership such as delegating, coaching, leading positive change, conflict resolution, stress-management, creative problem solving, and building effective teams through active learning based on skill assessment (surveys, role plays), skill learning (written text, behavioral guidelines), skill analysis (cases), skill practice (exercises, simulations, role plays) and skill application (behavioral & written assignments). These are critical skills in today's business environment.
  27. Has this course been offered as Selected Topics/Experimental Topics course? If yes, how many times? Yes, 3 or more times
  28. What qualifications for training and/or experience are necessary to teach this course? (List minimum qualifications for the instructor.) Ph.D in Management or a related field
  29. Objectives: To self-assess, learn, analyze, practice, and apply the following managerial/leadership skills:

    1) Self-Awareness

    2) Managing Personal Stress

    3) Solving problems analytically and creatively

    4) Building relationships by communicating supportively

    5) Gaining power & influence

    6) Motivating others

    7) Managing conflict

    8) Empowering & delegating

    9) Building effective teams & teamwork

    10) Leading positive change

  30. Learning Outcomes: Students are expected to master the following components of leadership skills:

    1) Self-Awareness

    2) Managing Personal Stress

    3) Solving problems analytically and creatively

    4) Building relationships by communicating supportively

    5) Gaining power & influence

    6) Motivating others

    7) Managing conflict

    8) Empowering & delegating

    9) Building effective teams & teamwork

    10) Leading positive change

  31. Major Topics: 1) Developing Self-Awareness and Emotional Intelligence

    2) Managing Personal Stress and. Time Management,

    3) Solving Problems Analytically & Creatively,

    4) Building Relationships by Communicating Supportively

    5) Gaining Power & Influence

    6) Motivating Others and Work Performance Assessment

    7) Managing Conflict

    8) Empowering & Delegating,

    9) Building Effective Teams & Teamwork

    10) Leading Positive Change

  32. Textbooks: Whetton, Jon D. A., & Newstrom, K. S., Developing Management Skills (8th Edition), Prentice Hall, Inc. [Latest Edition]
  33. Course Readings, Online Resources, and Other Purchases: From the Whetton and Newstrom textbook:

    Ch. 1, Developing Self-Awareness 1. Self-Awareness, 2. Emotional Intelligence (E.I.), 3. Cognitive Style Indicator, 4. LOC, 5. Tolerance of Ambiguity, pgs. 46-56.

    Ch. 2, Managing Personal Stress, 1. Stress Management 2. Time Management, 3 Type A Personality, & 4. Social Readjustment Rating Scale, pgs. 106-111.

    Ch. 3, Solving Problems Analytically & Creatively, 1. Problem Solving, Creativity, & Innovation, 2. How Creative Are You? 3. Innovative Attitude Scale, 4. Cognitive Style Assessment, pgs. 168-173.

    Ch. 4, Building Relationships by Communicating Supportively, 1. Communicating Supportively, 2. Communication Styles Part 1 & 2, pgs. 234-237.

    Ch. 5, Gaining Power & Influence, Gaining Power & Influence, 2. Using Influence Strategies, pgs.280-282.

    Ch. 6, Motivating Others, 1. Diagnosing poor Performance and Enhancing Motivation 2. Work Performance Assessment, pgs. 324-325.

    Ch. 7, Managing Conflict, 1. Managing Interpersonal Conflict 2. Strategies for Handling Conflict, pgs. 374-375.

    Ch. 8, Empowering & Delegating, 1. Effective Empowerment & Delegation 2. Personal Empowerment, pgs. 440-442.

    Ch. 9, Building Effective Teams & Teamwork, 1. Team Development Behavior 2. Diagnosing the Need for Team Building, pgs. 490-492.

    Ch. 10, Leading Positive Change, 1. Leading Positive Change Assessment, pg. 534 and 2. Machavelianism (MACH IV), pgs. 536-537.

    PAMS (Personal Assessment of Management Skills), pgs. 24-29, Pre- and Post-Tests (Before the course and at the end of the course)

  34. Student Expectations/Requirements and Grading Policy: Grading:

    Quizzes (5) 30%

    Participation & Attendance 30%

    Topical Presentation 20%

    Journal 15%

    Chapter Discussion 5%

    A 92.5-100 C 72.5-76.4

    A- 89.5-92.4 C- 69.5-72.4

    B+ 86.5-89.4 D+ 66.5-69.4

    B 82.5-86.4 D 62.5-66.4

    B- 79.5-82.4 D- 59.5-62.4

    C+ 76.5-89.4 F 0-59.4

    Quizzes: (30%) There will be 5 quizzes. Quiz questions will be based on the reading material in the “learning” section of the chapter. The reading quiz will occur before we cover the material and do the related case/exercise work. The format of the quizzes will be multiple choice questions.

    Participation: (30%) In order to earn participation points, you must be present in class and get involved. Most days there will be some combination of in-class discussion, self-assessment exercises or cases (often in small groups) related to the book material. Some exercises are designed to help you gain insight into your own skills and abilities and how they relate to leadership. In general, there are no wrong or right answers to these types of exercises, but more effort and thought will typically lead to a better understanding of the material.

  35. Assignments, Exams and Tests: From Spring 2015 course schedule: Readings are from assigned text.

    1/8 Class Introduction pgs. 3-23

    PAMS Assigned pgs. 24-29

    Management Interview Activity pgs. 28-29

    SSS Software In-Basket Exercise Assigned pgs. 30-41

    1/15 Before Class Complete Self-Awareness, E.I., Cognitive Style

    Indicator, LOC, Tolerance of Ambiguity Assessments

    Ch. 1, Developing Self-Awareness (Learning) pgs. 46-83

    Quiz 1

    1/22 Stress & Time Management,

    Type A & Social Readjusment (SRRS)Assessments

    Managing Personal Stress (Learning)

    SSS Software In-Basket Exercise Due

    Deadline for receiving back PAMS

    pgs. 106-146

    1/29 Creativity, & Innovation and Cognitive Style Assessments

    Solving Problems Analytically & Creatively (Learning)

    pgs. 168-209

    Quiz 2

    2/5 Communication Assessments pgs. 234-237

    Building Relationships by Communicating Supportively

    pgs. 238-265

    2/12 Power & Influence Assessments pgs. 280-282

    Gaining Power & Influence pgs. 283-309

    Quiz 3

    2/19 Performance & Enhancing Motivation Assessments

    Motivating Others

    pgs. 234-353

    2/26 Managing Conflict Assessments pgs. 376-404

    Quiz 4

    3/2-3/7 ***Spring Break***

    3/12 Empowerment & Delegation Assessments pgs. 440-442

    3/19 Empowering & Delegating pgs. 443-473

    Quiz 5

    3/26 Team Assessments pgs. 490-492

    Building Effective Teams & Teamwork pgs. 493-518

    4/2 Leading Positive Change pgs. 534-567

    Quiz 6

    4/9 Class Presentations

    4/16 Class Presentations

    4/23 Class Presentations

    4/30 Conducting Interviews & Meetings pgs. 620-633; pgs. 652-659

  36. Attendance Policy: Students are expected to attend every class. Please be on time, try to maintain a positive attitude, and respect your professor and other students. Please turn off your cell phone during class and check messages, surf the net, text, IM/chat, etc. at break. Laptops should only be used for note taking—not for surfing the internet, catching up on email, or looking at pics. In general, if you regularly come to class prepared to contribute, you will receive better participation scores and this can improve your overall class grade. You are expected to be in class. If you must miss class, it is your responsibility to make arrangements with another student to find out what material, schedule changes, etc. you missed. You are expected to spend the entire period in class in order to get make the most of your learning experience and to avoid disruptions to your colleagues. Exceptions to this rule should be approved by Dr. Segrest before class. You must be in class when we do the cases/exercises/role plays to receive credit for completing them. Late assignments will not be accepted.

    Course Attendance at First Class Meeting – Students who do not attend the first class meeting will be dropped from the roll unless they have contacted the instructor of a planned absence.

    Attendance Policy for the Observance of Religious Days by Students: In accordance with Sections 1006.53 and 1001.74(10)(g) Florida Statutes and Board of Governors Regulation 6C-6.0115, the University of South Florida (University/USF) has established the following policy regarding religious observances: (

    In the event of an emergency, it may be necessary for USF to suspend normal operations. During this time, USF may opt to continue delivery of instruction through methods that include but are not limited to: Canvas Elluminate, Skype, and email messaging and/or an alternate schedule. It’s the responsibility of the student to monitor Blackboard site for each class for course specific communication, and the main USF, College, and department websites, emails, and MoBull messages for important general information.

  37. Policy on Make-up Work: Late or missed assignments or exams: It is expected that all assignments will be completed and submitted by the due dates specified on the class schedule. Quizzes are to be taken on the date indicated on the class syllabus.

    If you are unable to take an exam on the scheduled date due to circumstances known in advance (e.g. an unavoidable conference, meeting, or work event), you must make arrangements with me to take the quiz before the scheduled exam date. Otherwise, only extreme emergencies that can be verified will be accepted as an excuse for missing a quiz (in the event of an illness, a note from the doctor explicitly indicating that the student should not attend class is mandatory). In the event of an emergency, it is your responsibility to contact me as soon as possible after the emergency (worst case, within 24 hours of the exam you missed).

    Under the USF Honor System, each student is expected to observe complete honesty in all academic matters. Violation of the Honor System will be referred to the Honor Council. Note: The following are violations of the Honor Code: Copying another student’s homework, signing another student’s name on the attendance roster, copying another group’s disk or written work, using another student’s computer disk to print out your assignment, copying another student’s file onto your disk, and misrepresenting a reason for a missed exam. Punishment for academic dishonesty may result in an automatic “F” or “FF” in the course or action that may result in suspension or expulsion. See the USF Policy on Academic Dishonesty & Disruption of the Academic Process at

  38. Program This Course Supports: MBA Program at USFSP Kate Tiedemann College of Business
  39. Course Concurrence Information: Master's Degree Programs in Management at other USF institutions

- if you have questions about any of these fields, please contact or