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Graduate Course Proposal Form Submission Detail - ATR6615
Tracking Number - 2423

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Current Status: Approved, Permanent Archive - 2011-08-30
Campus: Tampa
Submission Type: New
Course Change Information (for course changes only):
Comments: in GC review 3/7/11. Needs punctuation added to topics. Updated - to GC 4/4/11. Appd. To USF system 5/3/11; ready for SCNS 5/11/11. Approved effective 5/1/11

Detail Information

  1. Date & Time Submitted: 2010-12-07
  2. Department: Medical Sciences
  3. College: MD
  4. Budget Account Number: HSC-10000-613900-000000-0000000-n/a
  5. Contact Person: Dr. Jeff Konin
  6. Phone: 8133969627
  7. Email:
  8. Prefix: ATR
  9. Number: 6615
  10. Full Title: Evidence Based Research and Writing
  11. Credit Hours: 3
  12. Section Type: O - Other
  13. Is the course title variable?: N
  14. Is a permit required for registration?: Y
  15. Are the credit hours variable?: N
  16. Is this course repeatable?: N
  17. If repeatable, how many times?: 0
  18. Abbreviated Title (30 characters maximum): Evidence Based Res. & Writing
  19. Course Online?: O - Online (100% online)
  20. Percentage Online: 0
  21. Grading Option: R - Regular
  22. Prerequisites: None
  23. Corequisites: None
  24. Course Description: A thorough look at the process of utilizing evidence-based medicine to advance healthcare. The importance of applying medical outcomes to clinical practice; recent research; & components of conducting & publishing research in the field of sport medicine.

  25. Please briefly explain why it is necessary and/or desirable to add this course: Needed for new program/concentration/certificate
  26. What is the need or demand for this course? (Indicate if this course is part of a required sequence in the major.) What other programs would this course service? There are over 350 accredited undergraduate athletic training programs and only 14 recognized post-graduate athletic training programs in the U.S. Though approximately 70% of certified athletic trainers hold masters-level degrees, few pertain to athletic- training- specific education. USF will offer a degree of interest via a predominantly online format that would allow individuals to continue their employment at other institutions yet have those schools pay their tuition toward our degree. This degree has been specifically designed to prepare certified athletic trainers for career growth in the area of youth sports injury. Based on previous feasibility studies, it is evident that a hybrid learning (combination of online and resident learning) athletic training master’s program is viable at the University of South Florida.
  27. Has this course been offered as Selected Topics/Experimental Topics course? If yes, how many times? No
  28. What qualifications for training and/or experience are necessary to teach this course? (List minimum qualifications for the instructor.) Ph.D., Ed.D., or equivalent, and appropriate training and experience in the topic
  29. Objectives: 1. Critically examine the overall quality of the published research in Athletic Training (using standard criteria such as Physiotherapy Evidence Database and Oxford Centre for Evidence Based Medicine).

    2. Identify and demonstrate an understanding of the components of an experimental research study (research question, purpose, methods, results, discussion).

    3. Identify and demonstrate an understanding of the statistics, measurement, and research design.

    4. Identify key concepts in evidence-based medicine (confidence intervals, sensitivity, specificity, and likelihood ratios).

    5. Define evidence-based medicine as it relates to clinical decision-making in the treatment of youth sport injuries.

    6. Describe the differences between literature reviews, systematic reviews and meta-analyses as tools for dissemination of medical literature to clinicians.

    7. Synthesize the literature and demonstrate the ability to incorporate the evidence in the medical literature into clinical practice.

    8. Demonstrate an understanding of the writing process for scientific publications in medical peer-reviewed journals and medical symposia.

    9. Utilize an actual medical case of an injured athlete in the student’s clinical practice to successfully write a case report.

  30. Learning Outcomes: After completing the assigned readings, online activities, and exam, students will able to demonstrate an understanding of recent research within the field of sports medicine (i.e. ACL etiology and prevention research, neurological deficits and second-impact syndrome with concussions, exertional sickling, exertional heat stroke, and other hot topics in the athletic training/medical literature will be included).
  31. Major Topics: Introduction to the research process: Information retrieval, components of the research process.

    Reviewing and Appraising the Athletic Training Literature.

    Statistics, Measurement, and Research Design.

    Introduction to EBM and how it relates to Athletic Training.

    Diagnostics & Terminology in EBM: confidence intervals, sensitivity, specificity, and likelihood ratios.

    Comparing literature reviews, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses.

    Introduction to Research Writing.

    Case Studies & Abstracts.

    Ethics in research; research ethics in children.

    Using evidence to design evidence-based clinical practice.

  32. Textbooks: 1. Essentials of Research Methods in Health, Physical Education, Exercise Science and Recreation, Third Edition, Kris E. Berg & Richard W. Latin. 2007. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. ISBN-13: 978-0781770361

    2. Bringing Evidence into Everyday Practice, Winnie Dunn. 2008. SLACK Incorporated. ISBN 978-1-55642-821-0

  33. Course Readings, Online Resources, and Other Purchases:
  34. Student Expectations/Requirements and Grading Policy: Discussions: 30%

    Quizzes: 20%

    Case Report: 20%

    Final Exam: 30%

  35. Assignments, Exams and Tests: Reading Assignments:

    Specific chapters in the textbooks required for the course will be assigned for each module. The reading assignments are the primary means by which each student will acquire the core content of the course. It is essential that students complete the reading assignments for comprehension early in each unit.

    Class Discussions:

    Class discussion topics will be introduced throughout the course. All students are expected to participate in, and in some cases, lead the class discussions. Question and answer activities, as well as identification of valuable web resources will be the focus of the discussions. Discussions are asynchronous, meaning that participants post messages to discussion lists. The advantage of this is that participants do not have to find a time when everyone can log in simultaneously. However, because exchange of ideas is so important, participants will have to be working on the same topics at roughly the same time. It is not possible, therefore, for participants to work entirely at their own pace, for example by doing all coursework in the first few days of the course or by leaving all coursework until the end. Therefore, it is imperative that you be able to participate in the discussions on a regular basis during the course. If you have questions about whether the course will be flexible enough for your purposes, please contact the course instructor. Students are expected to be active members of the class, and therefore each student should be able to log into the class at least twice a week to check for announcements and to participate in the class discussions. At a minimum, students will be required to respond to each discussion prompt, adding meaningful reflection or information in each post (short comments such as “I agree” or “Good point” do not count towards your participation in the discussion).


    For each module, a quiz will be posted on Blackboard with which students can self-test their level of comprehension of the reading assignment. The quizzes can be taken as many times as you wish so that you can determine your level of understanding of the reading material. Grades will be recorded in the grade book for completing each quiz.

    Written Paper/Presentation - Case Study:

    * The case study assignment entails a written (abstract) portion and a presentation (powerpoint) portion. You will be required to present the findings of the case study to the class via a powerpoint presentation. You will also be submitting the final abstract to the National Athletic Trainers’ Education and Research Foundation Call for Abstracts.

    a. The case study shall be based on an athlete’s case with which you are familiar (one in which you were responsible for the care of the athlete).

    * The athlete’s written permission must be obtained in order to use their injury/initials for a case study.

    b. Previous case studies may not be used for this assignment.

    c. If your case study is selected by the NATAREF, you will be expected to attend the NATA annual meeting and present your abstract (poster or oral).

    d. Other athletic trainers and/or medical professionals involved in the care of the athlete or assisting in the writing of the abstract may be included as co-authors.

    Final Exam:

    This exam will be comprehensive of all material covered during the entire course. The specific days and time during which the Final exam will be available will be identified in the course schedule. You will be able to take the Final exam only once and a time limit to complete the exam will be in operation.

  36. Attendance Policy: Online
  37. Policy on Make-up Work: No work will be accepted late without prior approval from the instructor. If you anticipate missing a due date for an assignment, please contact the instructor to discuss your reason(s) and alternative options. The instructor maintains the discretion to accept or refuse late work based on individual student circumstances.
  38. Program This Course Supports: Master of Science, Medical Sciences, Concentration in Athletic Training
  39. Course Concurrence Information:

- if you have questions about any of these fields, please contact or