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Graduate Course Proposal Form Submission Detail - GMS6334
Tracking Number - 2052
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Current Status:
Approved, Permanent Archive - 2004-03-18
Submission Type:
Course Change Information (for course changes only):
Detail Information
- Date & Time Submitted: 2003-06-17
- Department: Medical Science
- College: MD
- Budget Account Number: 6115 000 20
- Contact Person: Santo V. Nicosia, M.D.
- Phone: 9742745
- Email:
- Prefix: GMS
- Number: 6334
- Full Title: Pathobiology of Human Cancer
- Credit Hours: 3
- Section Type: C -
Class Lecture (Primarily)
- Is the course title variable?: N
- Is a permit required for registration?: N
- Are the credit hours variable?: N
- Is this course repeatable?:
- If repeatable, how many times?: 0
- Abbreviated Title (30 characters maximum): Human Pathobiology
- Course Online?: -
- Percentage Online:
- Grading Option:
R - Regular
- Prerequisites: Pathology Departmental Approval
- Corequisites: None
- Course Description: Using tissue-related oncology topics that complement molecular biology & experimental therapeutics, this graduate course will provide the morphologic and biologic basis of human cancer. This course is not restricted and is repeatable for 3 credits.
- Please briefly explain why it is necessary and/or desirable to add this course: This course aims at filling a frequent and important gap in the education of basic researchers who are not traditionally educated in the anatomical, histological, cytological, structural and organ-specific aspects of cancer. Currently, there is no graduat
- What is the need or demand for this course? (Indicate if this course is part of a required sequence in the major.) What other programs would this course service? This is the only pathology course both available and suitable as the pathology requirement for graduate students in the department of pathology. Additionally, this course will serve the Graduate Program in Cancer Biology offered at the H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute.
- Has this course been offered as Selected Topics/Experimental Topics course? If yes, how many times? This course has previously been offered once as Selected Topics GMS 7930-003 during spring 2003.
- What qualifications for training and/or experience are necessary to teach this course? (List minimum qualifications for the instructor.) All instructors have M.D. and/or PH.D. degrees or equivalent training. In addition, all instructors have clinical or basic science research experience in the area of cancer pathobiology.
- Objectives: The objective of this course is to provide graduate students with fundamental knowledge that will complement their basic science training with current concepts of general and organ-specific oncological pathology.
- Learning Outcomes: By the end of this course students will be familiar with: a) morphologic aspects of cancer development; b)
the gross pathology and histopathology of selected human cancers including breast, ovary and prostate; c)
basic tissue-procurement, clinical and diagnostic aspects of human cancer; d) the role of ancillary
tissue-based techniques (immunohistochemistry, image analysis, laser-capture microdissection and
confocal microscopy) in cancer research and diagnosis.
- Major Topics: The topics covered in this course include:
Basic Embryology, Histology, Ultrastructure/Cell Injury and Death/Target Tissue Response to Hormones/General Characteristics of Benign and Preneoplastic Lesions/Anatomy and Biology of Tumors/Tumors as Parasites/Gross, Histopathology and Molecular Biology of Malignant Neoplasms/Tumors as a Clinical Problem/Tissue Procurement, Preparation and Analysis.
- Textbooks: Recommended textbooks are:
1. G. Majno & I. Ioris. Cells, Tissues & Diseases. Blackwell, 1999.
2. Kumar-Cotrams-Robbins. Basic Pathology, 7th edition, Saunders, 2002.
- Course Readings, Online Resources, and Other Purchases:
- Student Expectations/Requirements and Grading Policy:
- Assignments, Exams and Tests:
- Attendance Policy:
- Policy on Make-up Work:
- Program This Course Supports:
- Course Concurrence Information:
- if you have questions about any of these fields, please contact or