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Graduate Course Proposal Form Submission Detail - EEX7527
Tracking Number - 2031

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Current Status: Approved, Permanent Archive - 2004-03-18
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Course Change Information (for course changes only):

Detail Information

  1. Date & Time Submitted: 2003-10-15
  2. Department: Spec
  3. College: ED
  4. Budget Account Number: 172800000
  5. Contact Person: Betty Epanchin
  6. Phone: 44717
  7. Email:
  8. Prefix: EEX
  9. Number: 7527
  10. Full Title: Teacher Education in Special Education: Conceptual
  11. Credit Hours: 2
  12. Section Type: C - Class Lecture (Primarily)
  13. Is the course title variable?: N
  14. Is a permit required for registration?: Y
  15. Are the credit hours variable?: N
  16. Is this course repeatable?:
  17. If repeatable, how many times?: 0
  18. Abbreviated Title (30 characters maximum): TEACH ED SPED CON FRAM CURR
  19. Course Online?: -
  20. Percentage Online:
  21. Grading Option: R - Regular
  22. Prerequisites: Admission to the PHD program in Special Education
  23. Corequisites:
  24. Course Description: This four-semester seminar focuses on teacher education in special education.

  25. Please briefly explain why it is necessary and/or desirable to add this course: This course was developed to prepare doctoral students in special education for roles as faculty members in colleges and universities of education. The second seminar focuses on models for linking content and practice or knowledge and skills. During the
  26. What is the need or demand for this course? (Indicate if this course is part of a required sequence in the major.) What other programs would this course service? This course is a required course in the PHD program in the Department of Special Education
  27. Has this course been offered as Selected Topics/Experimental Topics course? If yes, how many times? Yes, 4 times.
  28. What qualifications for training and/or experience are necessary to teach this course? (List minimum qualifications for the instructor.) Terminal degree plus credentials in teacher education through course work, publications, and research.
  29. Objectives: : The primary goal of the four semesters is to prepare doctoral students in special education for their roles as teacher educator and faculty member in colleges and universities. During the four semesters in which the seminar is offered, students will be facilitating undergraduate seminars and teaching undergraduate or modules within MAT courses. The seminar is designed to help doctoral students connect their applied teaching and supervisory experiences with relevant professional literature about teacher education.

    a. The first semester exposes students to the multiple ways in which special education teacher education programs are organized and delivered as well as to the role that a conceptual framework plays in shaping a program. To accomplish these goals, students will

    1) Critique several special education program=s conceptual framework for teacher preparation,

    2) Explain and critique the rationale for the USF conceptual framework that focuses on self, diversity and ethics, and

    3) Describe structures and strategies that teacher preparation programs use to translate their conceptual framework and philosophies into practice.

    b. The second semester provides a critical overview of the ways in which teacher education programs are working to connect theory and research to practice. Students will study the literature about and critically analyze the status of research and practice that deals with:

    1) Clinical supervision, with a focus on what special educators specifically need and models that programs are using to supervise teacher candidates,

    2) Mentoring models that special education programs are using to

    support and retain special education teachers,

    3) Strengths and challenges associated with the traditional model of

    supervision in teacher education,

    4) Professional development schools and how special education fits within

    most PDSs; and

    5) Centers of Pedagogy and school-university partnerships.

    a. The third semester examines the research about how teachers learn to teach and explores instructional strategies that are consistent with the learning research. The seminar focuses on the teaching methods employed by teacher education programs to prepare teachers. Students are expected to examine their own teaching in relation to the research literature. Teaching methods that are studied include lectures, discussion groups, teaching cases, action research, service learning, and active learning strategies such as role plays and debates. By the end of the semester, students should:

    1) Be familiar with the CEC Standards for Beginning Teachers,

    2) Have developed skill in lecturing, leading discussions, and implementing at least one of the active learning strategies studied,

    3) Have developed a syllabus for at least one basic special education course,

    4) Know how to use various approaches to assessing student performance, and

    5) Be able to articulate their personal standards and philosophy for excellence in teaching.

    d. The final semester reviews literature about the role of a junior faculty member, including completing the dissertation, interviewing for and selecting a job, establishing a research agenda, supervision of students and balancing the demands of service and research. Specifically, they will study:

    1) The Aacademy@ and its culture

    2) Institutional cultures that lead to supportive, positive environments

    3) Job responsibilities an assistant professor, including service and advising

    4) Publishing one=s work and the requirements to publish for junior faculty

    5) Boyer=s notions of scholarship and his colleagues views of assessing scholarship

    6) Collaborative peer review: The role of faculty in improving college teaching

    7) Academic freedom and standards-based teacher education.

  30. Learning Outcomes: Student Outcomes for the 1st Semester Seminar (Course Assignments):

    $ Facilitate an undergraduate professional seminar (or similar experience approved by the instructor). Students will co-facilitate a professional seminar for undergraduates. Each week, some of the seminar time will be devoted to doctoral students= questions and concerns that arise from their work as facilitators.

    $ Reaction Papers. Students are expected to write reaction papers in response to the questions posed on the grid below. These reactions should be no more than two pages double spaced and should be submitted by Monday, noon, prior to class on Tuesday.

    In addition to the reaction papers, students are expected to complete the following:

    $ A Personal Educational Autobiography (like the one outlined in the Carter article). Included in the autobiography should be the following:

    $ a brief description of your educational history

    < descriptions of the highlights/low points (including both teachers and experiences)

    < a summary discussion and reflection of what you think you learned from your educational experiences that now influence your practice and outlook

    $ Diversity Experiences

    < Describe at least one critical incident that has shaped your thinking and actions with respect to your own ethnic identity (as Tatum describes). Analyze the stage in which you are currently functioning, using the stages proposed by Tatum.

    $ Ethical Dilemma

    < Write a descriptive narrative about an incident that you have faced as an educator that caused you concern because you felt personally compromised or ethically challenged. Identify the ethical dilemma (s) embedded in your incident.

    $ Description of an Undergraduate Special Education Program

    < Each student will be assigned a special education program at another university to study. Students are expected to look the program up on the web and share with the class information about their conceptual framework, and the corresponding activities and courses. Students may need to e-mail or telephone a faculty member in that program (names etc. will be provided) to further discuss or verify their analysis. In class, students will lead a discussion (critical analysis) about the program.

    $ Analysis of the USF Undergraduate Pro-Seminars (25%)

    The final and culminating activity of this seminar will be an analysis of the impact that the professional seminars have on the undergraduate students and in the program. The following should be included in the analysis:

    < Outcomes of your discussions with students in the undergraduate program who are in the Professional Development Seminar you lead (Self, Diversity, and Ethics). These discussions should focus on how well the undergraduate students understand the theme of the professional seminars and how clearly they see the relevance to teacher preparation. Include quotes to support your positions.

    < Outcomes of your discussions with faculty. What impact do faculty believe the pro-sems have? Describe the basis of faculty perceptions.

    < Your analysis of features that appear to be working well and suggestions

    Student Outcomes for 2nd Semester Seminar:

    # Required Activities:

    # Reaction Papers. Students are expected to write reaction papers in response to the questions posed on the class topics grid. These reactions should be no more than two pages, double spaced, and should be submitted electronically by Monday, noon, prior to class on Tuesday.

    In addition to the reaction papers, students are expected to complete a case study of the articulation of course work and field experiences of an undergraduate student.

    # The study should consist of the following elements:

    G Regular discussions (weekly) with the undergraduate student in the Pro-Sems or outside of class. These discussions should involve the student=s descriptions of the field setting, of his/her course work, and the correspondence of the course work with field work. Content being taught in courses, activities in which he/she engages in the field, and the ways in which each informs the other should be the focus of these conversations. Careful notes should be taken and recorded in as much detail as possible. If given permission, taping would be ideal. Encourage descriptions of specific events and include specific quotes to support your report.

    G Three visits to the school setting to see the student in action. One of the visits should be early in the semester; one should be mid-semester and one should be toward the end of the semester. If possible while there, meet with the mentor teacher and discuss his/her knowledge of/familiarity with the teacher education program and the program=s expectations for the student teacher. In the teacher=s opinion, are there differences in expectation?

    G A description of the student=s program of study, including a summary of the course content and assignments.

    G Compare what you saw with the standards that are advanced in the professional literature.

    The case study is due the last day of class.

    # Continue to co-facilitate a Professional Seminar (or an equivalent activity) and participate in the seminar discussions about the Pro Sems.

    Student Outcomes for the 3rd Semester Seminar:

    Eight (8) written reflections are due prior to class (9 possible assignments are listed - choose 8). Each of these should clearly reflect the student=s integration of the assigned readings with his/her practice when teaching a class or facilitating a pro-sem. Reflections should be concise (not over 2 pages) and well written. Each written assignment that is thoughtfully written and submitted on time will be worth 5 points.

    Students are expected to teach or co-teach an undergraduate course as well as continue to work with the Pro Sems. Working in teams, students should observe each other and provide each other with constructive feedback. At the end of the semester, each student is to submit a reflection about what he/she learned from the process. Teaching, facilitating and submitting the reflection is worth 40 points.

    The final assignment for this semester is a Teaching Portfolio. The following artifacts are expected to be included in the Teaching Portfolio:

    ! A teaching philosophy

    ! Two syllabi of standard special education courses developed by the student

    ! Selected student products that illustrate the impact/outcome of your teaching

    Student Outcomes:

    $ Reaction Papers. Students are expected to write reaction papers in response to the questions posed on the grid below. These reactions should be no more than two pages double spaced and should be submitted by Monday, noon, prior to class on Tuesday. There are 10 reaction papers assigned. Each contributes 5 points toward the total points for the course.

    In addition to the reaction papers, students are expected to complete the following:

    $ Attend 2 presentations of candidates for a faculty position at USF. After their presentation, describe their presentation and your response/evaluation of it. If possible, also discuss your observations with a faculty member in attendance to determine similarities and differences in your assessments. Include the discussion in your description. Your descriptions and reflections about the applicants= presentations each will contribute 5 points to the total grade.

    $ Participate in a mock job interview (details provided in class) Successful completion of the mock job interview will contribute 15 points to the total grade.

    $ Continue participating in the Professional Seminars and attending the Pro-Sem discussion sessions. Regular attendance and constructive participation in both will earn 25 points.

  31. Major Topics: 1) conceptual frameworks and the curriculum for teacher preparation programs in special education; (2) supervising the clinical and field experiences of special education teacher candidates; (3) instructional strategies for preparing special education teacher candidates; and (4) the role and responsibilities of a university faculty member in special education.
  32. Textbooks: Carter, K., & Doyle, W. (1996). Personal narrative and life history. In J. Sikula, T. Buttery, E. Guyton (Eds.). Handbook of Research on Teacher Education. NY: Macmillan.

    Cochrane-Smith, M. (1996). Uncertain allies: Understanding the boundaries of race and teaching. In Beauboeuf-Lafontant & Augustine (eds.). Facing Racism in Education (2nd ed). Cambridge, MA: Harvard Educational Review.

    Council for Exceptional Children

    Cruickshank, D. (1996). Ch. 1: The modal teacher preparation curriculum. In Preparing American=s Teachers. Bloomington, Indiana: Phi Delta Kappa E

  33. Course Readings, Online Resources, and Other Purchases:
  34. Student Expectations/Requirements and Grading Policy:
  35. Assignments, Exams and Tests:
  36. Attendance Policy:
  37. Policy on Make-up Work:
  38. Program This Course Supports:
  39. Course Concurrence Information:

- if you have questions about any of these fields, please contact or