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Graduate Course Proposal Form Submission Detail - SYP6013
Tracking Number - 1757
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Current Status:
Approved, Permanent Archive - 2006-12-05
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Course Change Information (for course changes only):
Detail Information
- Date & Time Submitted: 2006-05-15
- Department: Sociology
- College: AS
- Budget Account Number: 00-1263-000
- Contact Person: Maggie Kusenbach
- Phone: 42595
- Email:
- Prefix: SYP
- Number: 6013
- Full Title: Emotions in Everyday Life
- Credit Hours: 3
- Section Type: C -
Class Lecture (Primarily)
- Is the course title variable?: N
- Is a permit required for registration?: N
- Are the credit hours variable?: N
- Is this course repeatable?:
- If repeatable, how many times?: 0
- Abbreviated Title (30 characters maximum): Emotions in Everyday Life
- Course Online?: -
- Percentage Online:
- Grading Option:
R - Regular
- Prerequisites: Graduate Standing or Consent of Instructor
- Corequisites:
- Course Description: Explores the role of emotions in the everyday lives of individuals, within the micro-social contexts of identities, interactions, and social relationships.
- Please briefly explain why it is necessary and/or desirable to add this course: Sociology of emotions is now a thriving sub-discipline in sociology and social psychology. Including this course will bring our curriculum in line with other major research universities. In addition, the course provides another component to our curricul
- What is the need or demand for this course? (Indicate if this course is part of a required sequence in the major.) What other programs would this course service? Graduate students from sociology and other disciplines have "filled" this course upon each previous offering. It has drawn students from communication and anthropology. It is not part of a required sequence, but will allow our graduate students with additional electives in their graduate program.
- Has this course been offered as Selected Topics/Experimental Topics course? If yes, how many times? Course was offered as a special topics course Spring 2005 and Spring 2006
- What qualifications for training and/or experience are necessary to teach this course? (List minimum qualifications for the instructor.) PhD in sociology with expertise in the Sociology of Emotion.
- Objectives: (1) Communicate the scholarly importance and practical applicability of the Sociology of Emotions;
(2) Transmit in-depth knowledge of the history of the field;
(3) Familiarize students with the major thoeretical, methodological, and substantive issues of this subfield within sociology;
(4) Discuss the most important studies in the Sociology of Emotions that have been published in the last five to ten years.
(5) Assist students in writing an individual research paper that is based on the analysis of original data and secondary sources.
(6) Engage all course particpants in constructive discussions about the field inside and outside the classroom.
- Learning Outcomes: (1) Practice and improve graduate level acquistion, processing, and application of scientific knowledge as related to the sociology of emotions;
(2) Practice and improve critical thinking and writing skills;
(3) Practice and improve scholarly research and analyzing skills;
(4) Practice and improve academic presentation and discussion skills.
- Major Topics: Part I: The Study of Emotion in Society (Making sense of emtions; the sociology of emotions; managing emotions)
Part II: Individual Emotions and Emotional Experiences (Fear; sadness and depression; loss and grief; sympathy; love; anger; laughter and thrill).
- Textbooks: Arlie Hochschild (2003), The Managed Heart (University of California Press).
Jack Katz (1999), How Emotions Work (University of Chicago Press).
Barry Glassner (1999), The Culture of Fear (Basic Books).
David Karp (1996), Speaking of Sadness (Oxford University Press).
Carolyn Ellis, (1995), Final Negotiations (Temple University Press).
Candace Clark (1997), Misery and Company: A Study of Sympathy in Everyday Life (University of Chicago Press).
- Course Readings, Online Resources, and Other Purchases:
- Student Expectations/Requirements and Grading Policy:
- Assignments, Exams and Tests:
- Attendance Policy:
- Policy on Make-up Work:
- Program This Course Supports:
- Course Concurrence Information:
- if you have questions about any of these fields, please contact or