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Graduate Course Proposal Form Submission Detail - ANG6302
Tracking Number - 1722

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Current Status: Approved, Permanent Archive - 2007-06-28
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Course Change Information (for course changes only):

Detail Information

  1. Date & Time Submitted: 2006-12-14
  2. Department: Anthropology
  3. College: AS
  4. Budget Account Number: 120500000
  5. Contact Person: David Himmelgreen
  6. Phone: 9741204
  7. Email:
  8. Prefix: ANG
  9. Number: 6302
  10. Full Title: Gender in Cross-Cultural Perspective
  11. Credit Hours: 3
  12. Section Type: C - Class Lecture (Primarily)
  13. Is the course title variable?: N
  14. Is a permit required for registration?: N
  15. Are the credit hours variable?: N
  16. Is this course repeatable?:
  17. If repeatable, how many times?: 0
  18. Abbreviated Title (30 characters maximum): Gender Cross-Cultural Persp
  19. Course Online?: -
  20. Percentage Online:
  21. Grading Option: R - Regular
  22. Prerequisites: Graduate Standing or DPR
  23. Corequisites:
  24. Course Description: Examines roles of women, men, other genders and social, economic, and political aspects of sex and

    gender, from a biocultural, 4-field anthropological perspective, emphasizing non-Western societies and

    cross-cultural comparison in past and present.

  25. Please briefly explain why it is necessary and/or desirable to add this course: We have been teaching it for 23 years under a generic number and it needs its own number. It is a

    very well-received course

  26. What is the need or demand for this course? (Indicate if this course is part of a required sequence in the major.) What other programs would this course service? It fulfills an elective for graduate students in anthropology, women's studies, and other programs.
  27. Has this course been offered as Selected Topics/Experimental Topics course? If yes, how many times? It has been offered as a selected topics course at least 20 times over the last 3 decades.
  28. What qualifications for training and/or experience are necessary to teach this course? (List minimum qualifications for the instructor.) PhD in anthropology and /or related field.
  29. Objectives: 1. to understand the cultural construction of gender in different cultures around the world and in past and present.

    2. to see the biological differences and similarities between men and women and what they mean for behavior.

    3. to understand how gender systems influence and are influenced by culture from the individual to the

    global perspective.

    4. to understand the omnipresence of gender in decision-making, public policy, human rights and social

    justice, and everyday life.

  30. Learning Outcomes: 1. Students will understand the difference between biological sex and the culturally constructed roles of

    gender, explaining the existence of societies with many genders and the presence or absence of gender inequalities.

    2. Students will demonstrate knowledge of biological differences between men and women, sex-based behaviors in non-human primates, gender-based explanations of human ancestors, and relate all this to gender differences in behavior of modern people.

    3. Students will be able to document gender systems among hunter-gatherers, horticulturalists, agricultualists,

    state-based societies in past and present, and how they might relate to subsistence methods, natural environments, and technological, political, economic, and ideological organization.

    4. Students will identify the gender-related components of current social problems, from political to economic to social and humanitarian, around the world and in their home culture and their own lives.

  31. Major Topics: 1.definition and differentiation of sex and gender, misconceptions and misuses of terms, biology vs. culture

    2. biological differences and similarities between human males and females

    3. the concept of gender in different cultures, including 3rd, 4th, and additional genders in many parts of the world

    4. sex differences in biology and behavior in non-human primates from Old and New World monkeys through the lesser

    and greater apes

    5. how sex and gender are understood in reconstructing lifeways of the earliest human ancestors

    6. gender among different hunter-gatherer cultures of past and present, including archaeological and ethnographic evidence,

    and evolutionary perspectives

    7. gender among horticultural peoples, including archaeological and ethnographic evidence

    8. gender among agriculturalists and pastoralists, including archaeological and ethnographic evidence

    9. gender and the state, ancient, historical, and modern, including archaeological, ethnographic, and historical evidence

    10. gender issues in modern non-western cultures, different groups within western culture; human rights issues

    11. gender in the future: types of societies in science fiction and scientific prediction

  32. Textbooks: – Female of the Species by M. K. Martin and B. Voorhies. Columbia University Press ( M&V)

    – Sex and Temperament by M. Mead. William Morrow & Co.

    – Fruit of the Motherland by M. Lepowski. Columbia University Press, NY.

    Plus various articles from different journals and magazines

  33. Course Readings, Online Resources, and Other Purchases:
  34. Student Expectations/Requirements and Grading Policy:
  35. Assignments, Exams and Tests:
  36. Attendance Policy:
  37. Policy on Make-up Work:
  38. Program This Course Supports:
  39. Course Concurrence Information:

- if you have questions about any of these fields, please contact or