Graduate Studies Reports Access

Graduate Course Proposal Form Submission Detail - RCS5450
Tracking Number - 1536

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Current Status: Approved, Permanent Archive - 2010-06-22
Campus: Tampa
Submission Type: Change
Course Change Information (for course changes only): Change title to Fundamentals of Substance Abuse Counseling Change Abbreviated title: Fund Subst Abuse Couns
Comments: Grad Council approved 2/15/10; SCNS Liaison notified 4/6/10; record corrected on 4/28/10 to reflect change in title; not new course. SCNS approved - posted in Banner - Effective 5/1/2010

Detail Information

  1. Date & Time Submitted: 2009-09-18
  2. Department: Dean's Office
  3. College: BC
  4. Budget Account Number: 1257000
  5. Contact Person: Sandy Reynolds
  6. Phone: 49750
  7. Email:
  8. Prefix: RCS
  9. Number: 5450
  10. Full Title: Substance Abuse I
  11. Credit Hours: 3
  12. Section Type: D - Discussion (Primarily)
  13. Is the course title variable?: N
  14. Is a permit required for registration?: N
  15. Are the credit hours variable?: N
  16. Is this course repeatable?:
  17. If repeatable, how many times?: 0
  18. Abbreviated Title (30 characters maximum): Subst Abuse I
  19. Course Online?: -
  20. Percentage Online:
  21. Grading Option: R - Regular
  22. Prerequisites:
  23. Corequisites:
  24. Course Description: An overview of alcohol and other drug abuse. Explores the extent and rate of abuse in the United States, causes, biology, psychosocial aspects, legal aspects, and treatment. Restricted to majors.

  25. Please briefly explain why it is necessary and/or desirable to add this course: Needed for pre-req to other courses in program
  26. What is the need or demand for this course? (Indicate if this course is part of a required sequence in the major.) What other programs would this course service? This course is the first in what used to be the rotation of Substance Abuse 1, 2, and 3. The change here is really just the name. The demand for the course is strong within the Department, as it is a prerequisite for the other two courses (6453, Counseling Approaches for Substance Abusers, and 6459 Professional Skills for Addiction Counselors) within both the Addictions and Substance Abuse Counseling Concentration in the MA in Rehab & MH Counseling as well as the Graduate Certificate in Addictions and Substance Abuse Counseling.
  27. Has this course been offered as Selected Topics/Experimental Topics course? If yes, how many times? Yes, 2 times
  28. What qualifications for training and/or experience are necessary to teach this course? (List minimum qualifications for the instructor.) An upper-level degree in Rehabilitation and Mental Health Counseling or related field.
  29. Objectives: 1. Develop a knowledge and skill base about the physiology of addictions and the addictive process: pharmacology, disease concept, drug and alcohol toxicology.

    2. Become familiar with a variety of individual, group and family counseling approaches that may be used in counseling and treatment of the addicted person.

    3. Know the various modalities of counseling service and treatment, evaluation, treatment planning and coordination

    4. Develop an understanding of the both the rules and regulations governing addictions counseling and the moral and ethical obligations of being an addictions counselor.

  30. Learning Outcomes: 1. Distinguish between alcohol and other drug use, abuse, and dependency.

    2. Demonstrate knowledge of the psychopharmacology and interactional effects of the commonly abused chemicals and the associated medical complications.

    3. Show an understanding of the addiction process and factors involved in the etiology of alcoholism/drug use.

    4. Develop an understanding of blood alcohol level (BAL) and its legal implications as well as its use in diagnosis, progression and tolerance.

    5. Recognize the signs and symptoms of the various abused substances and know the appropriate treatment intervention.

    6. Demonstrate professional behavior and clear thinking about the ethical issues relative to addictions counseling.

    7. Know the applicable federal Florida state rules and regulations governing counseling of substance abuse clients, including the necessity for and limits of confidentiality.

    8. Recognize some of the most predictable psychosocial symptoms of addiction.

    9. Have knowledge of the various modalities of counseling and treating the addicted person.

    10. Know a variety of counseling approaches and show an understanding of the use of individual, group and family counseling in treatment and be able to engage the individual in the assessment of and involvement with the problem.

    11. Show knowledge of the various addictions other than alcohol and drugs.

    12. Distinguish the differences and needs of special populations (male, female, youth…)

    13. Recognize the process of confrontation and intervention, relapse and the recovery process

    14. Understand their local comprehensive community treatment program, both private and public efforts and show awareness of managed health care and the impact on chemical dependency treatment.

    15. Demonstrate an understanding the core functions of addictions rehabilitation and be knowledgeable of the requirements for state certification as an addiction professional.

  31. Major Topics: Psychoactive Drugs: History and Classification

    Heredity, Environment, & Psychoactive Drugs

    Downers: Alcohol (pp. 207-249)

    Alcohol Dependence: The “disease concept,” Diagnosis, Signs, symptoms, types, phases

    Assessment Instruments Review/Practice

    Downers: Opiates/Opoids

    Evaluation, Psychometrics, Relapse, Treatment Techniques

    Downers: Sedative-Hypnotics, Drug Treatment Individual Counseling, Group Therapy Intervention, Treatment Overview

    Uppers: Cocaine Treatment and the Family, Specific Treatments

    Amphetamine and Other Stimulants

    Cannabinoids and Psychedelics

    Other Drugs, Other Addictions

    Drug Use and Prevention from Cradle to Grave:

    Special Populations

    Addiction Interaction

    Mental Health and Drugs

    Trauma and Addiction, Dual Diagnosis

  32. Textbooks: Inaba, D.S. & Cohen, W.E. (2007) Uppers, Downers, All Arounders (6th edition). CNS Productions Inc., Medford OR.

    Johnson, V. E. (1990) I’ll Quit Tomorrow. A Practical Guide to Alcoholism Treatment. Revised Edition. Harper-Collins, San Francisco, CA.

    Frey, J. (2003) A Million Little Pieces, New York, Anchor Books

  33. Course Readings, Online Resources, and Other Purchases:
  34. Student Expectations/Requirements and Grading Policy: VIII. Grading and Evaluation:

    In order to move on to the next sequence of courses in the Addictions Certificate Program, you must pass this course. You must receive an "A " or a "B”. A "C" is considered a failing grade. As any method of assigning grades related to training and the education of students in the assessment of levels of participation in discussion is ultimately subjective, your course grade will reflect the degree of involvement this instructor thinks the student had attained.

    1. Exam - 40%

    2. 2 Self-help support group meetings/reports 10%

    3. 1 Treatment centers visit/report 10%

    4. Participation/Blackboard Discussion 40%

    Blackboard - 30 points (10 @ 3 points each)

    Papers – 10 points (2 @ 5 points each)

    Total Possible Points = 100

    A = 91-100

    B = 81-90

    C =80....

  35. Assignments, Exams and Tests: 4) One examination (40%). It will be a take home exam and involve application of course materials to specific cases.

    5) Self Help group paper. (10%) Attend two (2) self-help support group meetings and submit written report (3–4 typed, double-spaced pages). This focus of this will be you personal reaction to the meetings,

    6) Treatment Center paper (10%) Visit one center and submit written report (total of 3-4 typed, double-spaced pages). This must include you impressions and reactions.

  36. Attendance Policy: 1. Class Participation and Other Assignments: (40%) Regular attendance and participation is essential. Classes begin at 6:20 p.m. and end at 9:05 p.m. Missing more than 30 minutes of a class will count as an absence. It is your responsibility to sign the attendance sheet. If you are unable to make a class you must notify me. More than one absence will result in a lower grade by one level and more than 2 is an F or I. To not loose attendance credit, verification from a physician will be required. You will still be responsible for submitting your written discussion response. Attendance at the last class is required. Absence from the last class will result in a lower grade by one level without verification of illness by a physician. The attendance policy is designed to accommodate illness or a personal emergency but is not meant to in any way suggest that students are “allowed” one cut. It is also designed to instill a sense of commitment to your course of studies, fellow students and a sense professional responsibility.

    A weekly assignment will involve a Blackboard Forum and/or paper. This will involve responding to group discussion material on Blackboard by the due dates (posts are not to be made early). Blackboard posts are due by Sunday midnight with 2 responses to other students due by 9:00am of class day. In event of absence or lateness it will be your responsibility to notify me via email as to your completion of the assignment. Score will be lowered if posted late. Papers/assignments will not be accepted beyond the due date unless specific arrangements have been made.

    All other exams and papers are to be submitted via the Blackboard electronic drop box and are to be in a Microsoft Word document. All papers/Blackboard discussions must be completed or you will receive an incomplete (I).

    Blackboard discussions are designed to encourage you to explore both sides of contemporary substance abuse issues. They are to follow a debate format. You do NOT necessarily have to agree with a position to take a stand on it. Your response to other students will be a counter argument to their stated position. A two or three line answer stating that “I agree with your position” is NOT an adequate response. You will receive NO credit for that type of response. Post are worth up to 1.5 points and response 1.5 points. Your post should be minimally a 200-250 word post supported by contemporary writings and research on the issues and your response a counterpoint supported by current research and writings.

    Students who anticipate the necessity of being absent from class due to the observance of a major religious observance must provide advance notice of the date(s) to the instructor in writing by the second class meeting.

  37. Policy on Make-up Work: In event of absence or lateness it will be your responsibility to notify me via email as to your completion of the assignment. Score will be lowered if posted late. Papers/assignments will not be accepted beyond the due date unless specific arrangements have been made.

    Professionalism: Professional behavior in the classroom is necessary and required. The classroom setting is intended to replicate a counseling setting in our interactions and behavior. You will be either listening or speaking. This precludes any eating, sleeping, doodling, or side conversations. Cell phones and beepers are disruptive and will not be permitted. If your job requires you to be available via these devices please inform the instructor in writing by the second class and keep them at the lowest functional setting.

    Laptops may be used for note taking, but under no circumstances are students to engage in any other computer activities unless specifically asked or instructed to do so by professor.

    Confidentiality: The nature of this course may possibly involve some degree of personal self-disclosure and confidentiality is required and expected.

    All work and papers must be original work. I reserve the right to submit any assignments to an automated plagiarism detection service. It is mandatory that all materials taken from electronic sources be referenced.

    If you have any questions about these policies, please see:

    • Procedures for Alleged Academic Dishonesty or Disruption:

    • Student Academic Grievance Procedures --

  38. Program This Course Supports: The MA in Rehabilitation and Mental Health Counseling
  39. Course Concurrence Information: While many students in other programs (Social Work, Nursing, Aging Studies, Sociology) might be interested in the topics covered, this course is part of Rehab and MH Counseling's required core courses and is restricted to majors.

- if you have questions about any of these fields, please contact or